Middle Eastern eggplant dip, the traditional ingredients are roasted eggplant, tahini, lemon juice and garlic.
There is no tahini in this recipe, it is as good as the original one, however if you have tahini on hand and would like to use it add about 2 tablespoons.

2013-08-15 09:42:39
- 1 large eggplant
- 2 garlic cloves,chopped
- 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
- 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
- salt and pepper
- Chopped fresh cilantro for garnishing(optional)
- Preheat the oven to 400F/200C.
- Cut the eggplant in half lengthwise and brush lightly with oil.
- Place on a baking sheet, cut side down.
- Roast the eggplant for about 40 minutes or until tender. Let it cool.
- Place the eggplant, garlic, oil, lemon, salt an peper in a food processor and process until fairly smooth but not completely pureed.
- Taste and add additional lemon juice and salt to taste.
- Cover and refrigerate until needed.
- Serve with pita.
Mysomalifood https://www.mysomalifood.com/

Bidingaal (babaganuush)
2013-08-15 09:48:21
- 1 bidingaal aad u weyn
- 2 toon, la yara jarjaray
- 2 malqaacadood saliid saytuu (extra virgin olive oil)
- 2 malqaacadood biyaha liin dhanaanta
- Kamasaroyar oo dusha lagaga daadiyo hadii aad rabto
- Milixyar iyo filfil
- Bidingaalka maydh oo laba u jeex, saliid mari oo weelka lagugalinaayo ofinka dulsaar dhinaca jeexan.
- Ilaa 40 mirir ku daa ofinka ama ilaa inta uu bislaanayo oo uu jilcaayo.
- Markuu bislaado qabooji.
- Mashiinka kurid oo ridiq, bidingaalka oo diirka aad ka reebtay, saliida , milix,filfisha iyo liinta.
- Aad ha uwada ridqin, in uu yar kuuskuus naado ayaa ladoonayaa.
- Talaagada kurid si uu u qaboobo.
- Kamasarada dusha kaga daadi oo kucun roodhida khubusta.
Mysomalifood https://www.mysomalifood.com/