
Beef Kebab

 Beef Kebab made with finely minced meat with fresh cilantro to make it more spicy add chili for a little heat if you like.They are pan fried on skillet a great side dish they could be snack for anytime of the day.


Beef Kebab
  1. 1 lb beef finly minced
  2. 1 onion grated
  3. 2 teaspoons ground cumin
  4. 2 teaspoons ground coriander
  5. 2 teaspoons paprika, or cayene pepper
  6. 1 teaspoon salt
  7. 1 egg
  8. small bunch of coriander/cilantro, finely chopped
  1. In a large bowl mix the beef, onion, spices, salt, and the fresh cilantro/coriander.
  2. Break the egg and mix it in another bowl pour it in the mixture.
  3. Mix well and cover and leave to stand in the fridge for 1 hour.
  4. Roll small balls of the meat mixture using your hands.
  5. Fry them in a large skillet with little oil, on a medium heat and fry them both sides.
Kabab laga sameeyay hilib lo'aad
Waxa loo baahanyahay
  1. 1 lb, 450g oo duqad ah
  2. 1 basal la googooyay
  3. 2 malqaacadood yaryar khamuun,budo
  4. 2 malqaacadood yaryar geedo adari, budo
  5. 2 malqaacadood yaryar basbaas cas
  6. 1 malqaacad yar milix
  7. 1 beed/ukun, la qasay
  8. iyo kamasaro lajarjaray
Habka loo samaynaayo
  1. Madiibad duqada, basasha, xawaashka, milixda iyo kamasarada isku walaaq.
  2. Xabadbeed ah oo qasan kuduldar oo sifiican isugu walaaq.
  3. Dabool oo talaagada yaragali ilaa saacad.
  4. Kubado yaryar ka dhig adigoo labada gacmood isticmaalaaya.
  5. Maqli dab dhex dhexaad ah oo inyar oo saliid ah aad kushubtay labada dhinac u shiil.


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