This semolina cake is so easy to make no need for electric mixers, enjoy it when it just comes out of the oven while it is warm, it is good when it cools down.

Coconut Semolina Cake
2014-03-05 07:11:43
- 1 1/4 cups sugar
- 1 1/2 cups semolina flour
- 2 cups shreded coconut
- 4 tablespoons butter melted
- 1 cup milk
- 2 eggs
- 2 teaspoons baking powder
- 1 teaspoon vanilla
For sugar syrup
- 2 cups sugar
- 1 cup water
- Brush baking dish with oil or butter.
- Preheat the oven 350f/180c
- In a bowl mix semolina flour, sugar,coconut, and baking powder.
- Add the eggs, butter, milk and vanilla, mix well until all combined.
- Turn in to the prepared pan and level the top.
- Bake in the over for 30 -35 minutes or until golden.
To make the syrup
- In a small pan put the sugar and water.
- Bring it to the boil then remove from the stove.
- Pour the syrup over the hot cake.
- Cut into squares let it cool and serve.

Keeg Qumbe iyo Semolina
2014-03-05 07:07:56
Waxa loo baahanyahay
- 1 1/4 koob sonkor
- 1 1/2 koob daqiiqda semolinada
- 2 koob qumbe (bilaa sonkor)
- 1 koob caano
- 4 malqaacadood badhar ladhalaaliyay
- 2 beed/ukun
- 2 malqaacadyar bikingboodhar
- 1 malqaacadyar fanila
- Biyaha sonkortaleh
- 2 koob sonkor
- 1 koob biyo
Habka loo samaynaayo
- Weelka ofinka lagu gelinayo badhar ama saliid mari.
- qiyaastiisi waa 33cm x 22cm.
- Ofinka sii shid u qiyaas xaraarada adoo gaadhsiinaya: 350f ama 180c.
- Madiibad soo qaado kushub daqiiqda, sonkorta, qumbaha iyo bikinboodhaha.
- Ku dul shub vanilaha, beedka, badharka iyo caanaha dabadeed iku walaaq.
- Weelkii ofinka ee aad diyaarisay soo qaad oo ku dulshub.
- Ofinka geli oo kudaa ilaa 30 - 35 daqiiqadood ama ilaa inta uu dusha ka shaaxidaayo.
Biyaha sonkortaleh
- Inta uu keegu ku jiro ofinka biyaha iyo sonkorta kushub disdi yar oo dabka saar walaaq oo waa in ay sonkorta iyo biyuhu iskumilmaan
- marka uu karo markaaba dabka kaqaad.
- Dusha kaga shub keegu marka aad kasoo saartid ofinka.
- Dabadeed keega mindi ku googoo. Kulaylka ayuu ku fiicanyahay in lagu cuno.
- Laakiin marka uu qaboobo waad cuni kartaa.
When should i add the coconut?
Thanks for pointing that out, just changed it.
What size baking dish and how many does this serve?
Thank you…
What size baking dish? Round or square?
Coconut milk or coconut flakes .. What kind of coconut please?
Hi Sam,
It should be shredded coconut.