Lahooh or Canjeero is a Somali flat bread cooked one side on a skillet. In this recipe we serve with Suqaar. Suqaar is a cubed meat in this case it is cubed beef sautéed with onion tomato green onion then toped with eggs. This recipe is good for brunch enjoy with a cup of tea.

Lahooh with Suqaar and eggs
2013-07-23 22:03:18
- 1 lb beef cubes, suqaar
- 2 large tomatoes , chopped
- 2 eggs
- 1large onion chopped
- 2 tablespoons Oil
- 1 cloves garlic, chopped
- 1 teaspoon coriander powder
- 1 teaspoon paprika
- Salt and pepper
- 2 green onion, chopped
- In a deep skillet on high heat add the meat and stir until brown.
- Add oil and stir for few minutes season with salt and pepper.
- Add the onion and stir for few more minutes.
- Add the tomatoes and the garlic, coriander and paprika. Cook for 5 minutes.
- Make two holes by spreading the meat then crack the eggs drop them in to the holes.
- Cook covered until the eggs have cooked through. Alternatively bake it in the oven 15-20 min until the eggs are set.
- Serve with lahooh.
Laxoox, suqaar iyo beed
2013-08-04 08:20:49
Waxa loo baahanyahay
- 450g hilib suqaar
- 2 tamaandho la googooyay
- 2 beed/ukun
- 1 basal la googoyay
- 2 malqaacadood saliid
- 1 toon la googooyay ama latumay
- 1 malqaacad yar geedo adari
- 1 malqaacad yar basbaas
- milix iyo filfil
- 2 basal baar lagoogooyay
Habka loo samaynaayo
- Maqli balaadhan kabka saar oo hilibka ku shaaxidi.
- Saliida ku dar oo walaaq milix iyo filfilna ku dar.
- Basasha ku dar oo shaaxidi iyadana.
- Tamaandhada, toonta, geedo adariga iyo basbaaska kudar.
- Yara walaaq oo dabka kudaa ilaa 5 mirir si ay tamaandhadu u bislaato.
- Beed ka sooqaado oo meel u yara banee adigoo malqaacad suqaarka dhinac u riixaya.
- Ku jabi beedka, oo dabool si uu u bislaado, amaba ofinka geli ilaa 15-20 miri.
- Laxoox ayaad ku cinikaraa hadiikale bariis, sabaayad amaba roodhi.
Recipe for Lahooh please. Thank you!