This stew works for both lamb and goat meat this is a very basic recipe and so delicious with rice. Here it is served with vermicelli rice.

Lamb Stew
2013-09-05 20:13:27
- 1lb lamb medium cut
- 3 large potatoes, cubed
- 3 large carrots, cubed
- 1 large onion, chopped
- 4 large tomatoes, chopped
- 3 tablespoons oil
- salt
- Heat oil in a pan add the meat and sear on both sides on a medium heat .
- Add onion, and saute for few minutes add potatoes and carrots cook for 5 more minutes.
- Then add tomatoes sauté another 5 minutes.
- Add 3 cups of water bring to a boil then cook covered on a low until the stew is thick and the vegetables are tender(add more water if needed).
- Serve with rice.
Sanuunad Hilib Adhi
2013-09-05 20:11:32
Waxa loo baahanyahay
- 500g hilib adhi
- 3 baradho waaweyn
- 3 dabacase waaweyn
- 1 basal
- 4 xabo tamaandho
- milix
Habka loo samaynaayo
- Baradhada iyo dabacasaha diirka ka dhil oo googoo.
- Basasha iyo tamaandhadana goo.
- Disdi dabka saar oo saliidyar kushub ilaa sadex malqaacadood.
- Markay kululaato hilibka kurid oo kolba dhinac shaaxidi.
- Basasha ku xigsii oo iyadana yara shaaxidi adigoo kolba walaaqaya kadib baradhada iyo dabacasaha kurid oo yara walaaq si aynay ugu dhagin disdida ilaa 5 mirir.
- Tamaaandhada kurid oo kari ilaa 5 mirir.
- 3 koob oo biyo ah kushub oo karkari markuu karkaro dabka
- u naaqus oo yaradabool ilaa inta ay khudradu bislaanayso
- sanuunaduna ay adkaanayso (hadii uu biyo dheeraad ah u baahdo kudar) . Bariis ayaad ku cunikartaa
- sanuunada.
- Hadii aad doonto xawaash iyo toon iyo kamasaro waadkudari
- kartaa.
What a great food.
Thank you
baradhada iyo dacasaha xage logu dara
Moe, Walaal waan saxay waad mahadsantahay.
looks very delish manshallah