Lamb surbiyaan, this is one pot dish both delicious with lamb or goat, toped with raisins, caramelized onions and saffron treads. Serve this dish with vegetables and salad, it is usually served on occasions such as Eid
Use always the best quility basmati rice that you can find for flavour and the texture for a fluffy rice.

Lamb Surbiyaan
2013-08-03 11:55:28
Caramelized onion and raisins
- 1/4 cup oil
- 1 onion, sliced
- 1/2 cup raisins
- 1/4 cup water
- 1 teaspoon saffron threads
Boiling the Rice
- 3 cups basmati rice
- 5-6 cups of water
The Lamb sauce
- 2 pounds lamb, medium cut
- 1 small onion, chopped
- 2 medium tomatoes, chopped
- 2 cloves garlic, chopped
- 1-2 tablespoons coriander/cilantro leaves
- 2 teaspoons coriander powder
- 2 teaspoons cumin powder
- 1-2 teaspoons paprika or a cayenne pepper
- 2-4 tablespoons oil (use the left over from the caramelized onions)
- 5 cardamom pods cracked
- 2 cinnamon sticks
- 2 tablespoons lemon juice
Caramelized onion and raisins
- Heat the oil over medium heat, add the onion and fry until nice and brown.
- Add the raisins and cook until they puff up.
- Drain on a kitchen paper
- Keep this a side we will, add this mixture over rice.
Soak the Saffron
- In a small bowl add the saffron pour hot water into the bowl.
- let is soak for 4- 20 minutes
Boiling the Rice
- Start boiling the water in a sauce pan .
- when boiled, add the rice and salt to sate.
- Cook about 4 minutes
- depending on your heat the rice should be cooked half way
- use your hand to test it, break the rice grain in your hand.
- Drain the rice in a colander and let it cool until needed.
Cooking the lamb
- In a large pot fry the lamb with the oil until brown both sides
- Add onions saute until brown
- add cardamom, cinnamon sticks, lemon juice, then add garlic add tomatoes, spices and cilantro
- Mix this together until combined then cook for 3 minutes until fragrant, add the 1/2 cup of water
- Let it simmer while covered on a medium heat until boil and then lower the heat for 10- 15 minutes.
- Now we need the boiled rice add it to the lamb sauce, scrape the top evenly.
- Add the caramelized onion and raisins.
- Add the saffron water
- cover the pot and cook on a medium heat until boil, then reduced the heat on a simmer.
- The bottom of the pan will be dry and there will be no water left make sure not to burn the bottom.
- The rice should be fluffy.
Suriyaan Hilib Adhi
2013-08-03 12:06:31
Waxa loo baahanyahay
Basasha iyo Sabiibta la ikushiilay
- 1/4 koob saliid
- 1 basal la jarjaray
- 1/2 koob sabiib
Sacfraan biyo lagu radiyay
- 1/4 koob biyo ah
- 1 malqaacad yar sacfraan
- 3 koob bariiska basmatiga
- 5-6 koob oo biyo ah
Sanuunada Hilibka
- 500g hilib adhi, la googooyay
- 1 basal la googooyay
- 2 tamaandho, la googooyay
- 2 toon la tumay ama lagoogooyay
- 1-2 malqaacadood kamasaro, googoan ama latumay
- 2 malqaacad yar geedo adari
- 2 malqaacad yar khamuun
- 1-2 basbaas cas
- 2-4 malqaacadood saliid
- 5 hayl layara klafuray
- 2 qolofol ah
- 2 malqaacadood liin dhanaan
Habka loo samaynaayo
Basasha iyo Sabiibta la ikushiilay
- Maqli dabka saar,saliida ku shub, basasha shaaxidi.
- Markay shaaxido sabiibta ku dar oo in yar ku daa ilaa inta ay kalabaxayso.
- Dabka ka qaad saliida sifiican uga miir.
- Dhinac dhigo hadhow ayaa bariiska dusha lagaga shubayaa.
Sacfraan biyo lagu radiyay
- Madiibad yar sacfraanka ku radi biyaha, sug 4 ilaa 20 mirir.
Bariiska oo la karkariyay
- Biyaha ku karkari disdi, kadib bariiska maydh oo kushub biyaha.
- Milix yar ku dar oo karkari ilaa 4 mirir.
- Bariiska lama wada karinayo ee waxa ladoonayaa in marlabaad
- sanuunada lagu kariyo. Shaando kakaga miir biyaha, dhinac iska dhig.
Sanuunada Hilibka
- Disdi yara weyn saliida kushub hilibka ku shaaxidi labada dhinacba.
- Basasha ku rid oo shaaxidi.
- Ku rid haylka, qolofolka,liinta, toonta, tamaandhada, xawaashka iyo kamasarada.
- Isku walaaq ilaa sadex mirir karkari koob badhikii oo biyo ah ku dar.
- Dab dhexdexaad ah ku karkari oo dabool, ilaa 10 -15 mirir.
- Kadib soo qaado Bariiskii dabadeed ku shub.
- Basahii du sha kaga shub.
- Biyihii sacfraanka kudulshub.
- Daboolka saar oo ku karkari dab dhexdhexaad ah, ilaa uu bariisku bislaanayo
- biyuhuna ay gudhayaan.
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