Okra is the key ingredient to this soup which changes the texture and taste and also the broth or stock used in this recipe. As it sits it will thicken slightly, served here with Sabaayad flat bread. This is delicious soup made with vegetables only.

Okra and Vegetable Soup
2013-07-29 17:08:31
- 1 onion, chopped
- 1lb okra, trimmed and cut
- 2-3 carrots
- 3 potatoes chopped
- 1 large tomato, chopped
- 1 zucchini/courgette, chopped
- 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
- 3 cups broth/stock
- 1 teaspoon coriander powder
- 2 tablespoons oil
- salt and pepper
- In a saucepan heat oil on a medium heat add the onions and cook for 4 minutes.
- Add the potatoes and the carrots, cook for 4 minutes add salt and pepper.
- Then add the tomatoes stir for few minutes add the zucchini/courgette.
- Add the broth and cook for 5 minutes.
- Then add the okra and the garlic and the coriander powder.
- Add more water and bring to a boil.Then simmer cook until the vegetables are tender.
Mysomalifood https://www.mysomalifood.com/

Maraq Baamiye iyo Khudrad kale
2013-07-29 17:10:04
Waxa loo baahanyahay
- 1 basal
- 2 koob oo baamiye
- 2-3 xabo dabacase
- 3 baradho
- 1 tamaandho
- 1 kuusad
- 2 xabo toon
- 3 koob maraq
- 1 malqaacad yar geedo adari
- 2 malqaacadood saliid
- milix iyo filfil
Habka loo samaynaayo
- Khudrada wada googoo, toontana tumo ama mindi ku jarjar.
- Disdi saliid yar kushub oo dabka saar dabadeed basasha ku shaaxidi.
- Kadib Baradhada iyo dabacasaha ku rid oo yara kar kari ilaa 4 mirir milix iyo filfil kudar.
- Dabadeed tamaandhada kudar oo yara walaaq.
- Kuusada kurid, biyo ama maraq ku shub(magi waad isticmaalikartaa)
- dabadeed kar kari ilaa 5 daqiiqadood.
- Baamiyihii ku dar oo biyo kale kudar.
- Kar kari maraqa ilaa inta ay kudhradu bislaanayso
- adigoo markadambe u naaqusaaya dabka.
Mysomalifood https://www.mysomalifood.com/
Waan ku salaamay marka hore walaal. Waxaan ad uga helay sida ad u qortay recipka ama qaabka loo kariyo cuntadana ad noo soo bandhigtay? Walaal video miyaa leedahay sida hafsa cooking ama xawaash mase meeshaan ayaa ku qortaa un. Maku weydiin karaa halkee aduunka kaha nooshahay? Aniga waxaan daganahay scandenevia po aad looga xiiseeyo cuntda vegetabl ama qudrada bas laga sameeyay. Waan ku mahadsantahay walaal.
How many does this serve?
Thank you…
Hi! Salaam
I like this recipe…looks very tasty. I just wanted to know what happened to the other post on Maraq Baamiye WITHOUT the khudrad kale. If I remember correctly the picture posted was a very green soup. I wanted to make that today but I found this instead. Don’t get me wrong I’m not complaining but it would be nice if you put it up again.
Masha Allah caadi ma ahan ad ayad umahad San tihin waxbadan aya Laga faiidaystay
Aad baad u mahdsantahay. Amino