This zesty orange drizzle cake is easy and delicious just good on its own or with a warm cup of tea in the afternoon.

Orange Cake
2013-07-04 13:09:56
- 1 cup all purpose flour
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- 1/2 cup oil
- 3 eggs
- 3/4 cup sugar
- pinch of salt
- 2 tablespoons fresh orange juice
- 2 teaspoons orange zest
Orange Glaze
- 1/2 cup powdered sugar
- 2 Tbs orange Juice
- 1 tsp orange zest
- Heat the oven 350f, 180c or gas mark 4. Grease a loaf-pan.
- In a bowl mix together the flour, baking powder and salt. set aside.
- In another bowl beat the eggs until doubled in size.
- Add the sugar, zest and the oil beat until it creamy.
- Add the flour and mix until incorporated don't over mix.
- Put the mixture in to the greased baking pan.
- Bake for 40 minutes or until a tester comes out clean.
- To make the orange glaze
- Mix all the ingredients and drizzle over the top of the warm cake.
Keeg Liin Macaan
2013-07-29 21:57:42
Waxa loo baahanyahay
- 1 koob daqiiqda cad
- 3/4 koob sonkor
- 1/2 koob saliid
- 3 beed
- 2 malqaacadood liinmacaan
- 1 malqaacadyar biking boodhar
- milix-yar
- diirka-liinta oo si khafiif ah laxoqay
Sonkorta dusha lagaga shubaayo
- 1/2 sonkorta daqiiqda
- 2 malqaacadood oo liin macaan
- 1 malqaacad yar oo liinta diirkeeda
Habka loo samaynaayo
- Daqiiqda iyo, biking booderka weelkushubo, iyo milixda, dhinac iska dhig.
- Beedka mashiinka ku qas, ilaa uu labanlaabmayo.
- Sonkorta ku dar, iyo liinta, liinta-diirkeeda, iyo saliida.
- Dabadeed iskuwada qas ilaa inta uu xumbaynayo.
- Daqiiqda weelka aynu ku shubanay soo qaado oo u naaqus mashiinka aad ha u qasin ee inyar uun baa ladoonaya si ay iskugumilmaan.
- Hadii aadloo qaso keegu wuu adkaanayaa.
- weelkii ofinka lagu galinaayay soo qaado oo saliid-yar ku dhoob daqiiqyarna dusha kagashub oo iswada gaadhsii.
- Ofinka sii shido oo gaadhsii xaraarada 350/180 amaba gaasta no:4 Ilaa 40 daqiiqadood, ayuu ku bislaanayaa amaba marka mindi dhexda lagaliyo waa in ay iyadoo nadiif ah ka soo baxdaa.
- Isku qas alaabta dusha ku qoran ee dusha lagaga shubaayo.
- Dabadeed dusha kagashub.
How much salt? It’s not listed in the ingredients section, but it says to mix it. Thanks!
I’d like to know if this recipe can be doubled, and can it be used to make cupcakes ? I tried it today and it came out lovely. Also recipe doesn’t mention when orange juice must be added, so I added it with the flour.
Also I added 1/2 cup of fresh orange juice instead of 2 tablespoons and the texture is perfect!
Thank you Rahdia, I will try your suggestion.
Thanks for pointing that out, This recipe can be doubled. Enjoy
pinch of salt