Qureebaad Melt in the mouth cookies made with simple ingredients, butter, powdered sugar, flour and cardamom, enjoy these delicate sweet treats with your tea or coffee.

Qureebaad : Butter Cookies
2013-08-17 15:26:58
- 1 cup butter
- 1 cup icing sugar
- 2 1/2 cups plain flour
- 1 teaspoon cardamom powder
- Melt the butter in a pan and let it cool.
- Stir in the icing sugar then add the flour and the cardamom and mix until smooth.
- Divide in to two, and wrap each piece a plastic or parchment wrap and shaped it into a logs and let it cool for 20 minutes in the fridge.
- Preheat the oven to 350f/180c
- Grease a baking sheet.
- Cut the logs of dough into disks and place them in to the prepared pan.
- Bake for 20 minutes or until golden.
Mysomalifood https://www.mysomalifood.com/
2013-08-17 15:32:47
Waxa loo baahanyahay
- 200g/ 1 cub badhar
- 130g/ 1 cup sonkorta budada
- 250g/2 1/4 koob daqiiq
- 1 malqaacad yar oo hayl
Habka loo samaynaayo
- Badharka ama subaga dhalaali yara qabooji.
- Markuu qaboobo kudar sonkorta dabadeed ku walaaq.
- Hadana ku dar daqiiqda iyo haylka dabadeed gacanta ku xash.
- Waraaq ku duuduub ama meel qabow talaagada oo kale
- oo ku daa ilaa 20 daqiiqadood.
- ofinka shid oo gee 180c ama 350f
- Soo qaado weelkii ofinka lagua galinaayay.
- Daqiiqda la xashay ka soo saar talaagada oo googoo sida sawirka dushu ina tusaayo.
- Dabadeed ofinka geli oo ku daa ilaa 20 mirir ama markuu shaaxido kasaar ofinka oo qabooji.
Mysomalifood https://www.mysomalifood.com/