It is best to use fresh mix of vegetable that are in season you can change and add what ever vegetable you like. This will be a healthy side dish to add to your meal.

Sauteed Mixed Vegetable
2013-07-19 09:53:40
- 2 Carrots, shredded
- 2 potato, shredded
- 1/2 head cabbage, shredded
- 1 green squash, shredded
- 1 yellow squash, shredded
- Salt and pepper
- Heat a large skillet on a high, non stick makes it easier so the vegetable wont stick and to minimize the oil used.
- Add the oil, then start with the cabbage and saute few minutes , add the potato, mix for few more minutes. Then Add the carrots and the squash.
- Season with salt and pepper.
- Cover and cook until the vegetables are tender.
- If needed add some water
2013-07-19 10:20:19
Waxa loo baahanyahay
- 2 dabacase
- 2 baradho
- jeex kaabash ah
- 1 kuusada huruuda ah
- 1 kuusada akhtarka ah
- Milix iyo filfil
Habka loosamaynaayo
- Khudrada dusha ku qoran jarjar ama ku yar yaree adigoo isticmaalaya (grater) halkan taabo si aad u aragtid.
- Maqliga aan ku dhagin cuntada in yar oo saliid ah kushub dabadeed khudrada kolba midkurid si a y u shaaxidaan adigoo kabilaabaya kabshka, baradhada, dabacasaha iyo kuusada.
- Yara walaaq oo milix iyo filfil ku dar.
- Dabool oo dabka kayar naaqus kari ilaa inta ay khudradu jilcayso
Assalaamu 3laykum. I tried this today and my husband and I both loved it. Shukran
Many thanks for taking the time to comment JazzakaAllah
Tonight I Am going 2 cook This health Food woooooow.