Hot Cereals are very popular in East Africa and it is a traditional part of the Somali cuisine, in this recipe I have made it with corn flour and sorghum flour, if you like you could just use corn flour. Sorghum flour adds full of nutritional benefits protein, iron and for texture and flavor. it is cooked like hot cereal and it is thin like porridge consistency . it is mostly enjoyed hot, with some butter and honey or sugar, for a sweet breakfast. enjoy !

Sorghum and Corn flour hot cereal
2013-07-15 10:06:28
- 1/2 cup corn flour
- 1/2 cup sorghum flour
- pinch of salt
- 2 cups milk
- 2 cups water
- sugar/honey
- pinch of cinnamon
- In a heavy pan bring the water and milk to a rolling boil.
- Stir the corn and sorghum to the boiling water and milk, constantly stir.
- Reduce the heat on a medium and let it simmer, stir occasionally .
- Keep stirring until it thickens add more water or milk to get softer consistency, according to your preference.
- Serve hot with butter, milk, sugar, honey, buttermilk, or yogurt.
Shuuro Hadhuudh iyo Qamadi lagasameeyay
2013-07-19 08:50:27
Waxa loo baahanyahay
- 1/2 koob qamadi, ridqan
- 1/2 koob hadhuudh, ridqan
- 2 koob caano
- 2 koob biyo
- milix yar
- Sonkor ama malab
- qolofal budo ah
Habka loo samaynaayo
- Disdi dabkasaar caanaha iyo biyaha kushub.
- Markay kululaadan ee ay karkaraan caanaha iyo biyuhu
- kushub qamadida iyo hadhuudhkaa adigoo walaaqaya si aynay u
- guntamin.
- Dabka ka naaqus, walaaq ilaa intuu bislaanayo, hadii
- aad biyo ama caano u baahato waad ku darikartaa.
- Walaaq inta uu bislaanayo.
- Markaad cunaysid kudarso caano, malab, ama sonkor badhar
- dusha ka ga daadi qolofolka.
This is soooo good make it in Ramadan!
can u be specific what type of corn flour?
you can use corn flour cornmeal it needs to be fine, if you dont have it you can use all-purpose flour.
How to make healthy cornmeal flour ( ekugbemi)