Somali Halwa also known as: Xalwad, Halwo or Halwad is a popular sweet, it is made of sugar, cornstarch, oil and for the spices nutmeg and cardamom are used. There is one with peanut added at the end. It is usually served with cup of Somali spiced tea.

Somali Halwa
2013-07-30 16:35:33
- 4 cups of water
- 2 cups/1 lb granulated sugar
- 2 cups/1 lb light brown sugar
- 1 cup cornstarch
- 1 cup ghee/oil
- 1 teaspoon ground cloves
- 2 teaspoon of ground cardamom
- Pinch saffron powder
- Bring the sugar and the water to boil.
- Mix cornstarch, saffron and half of cup water, allow it to dissolve.
- Add the cornstarch to the mixture.
- Cook the mixture over medium heat while stirring.
- As the mixture turns thick, start adding oil. This might take about 30 minutes.
- Continue adding oil when it sticks to the bottom of the pan.
- Keep stirring until the mixture gets separated.
- When it starts to leave the sides of the pan add cardamom and cloves.
- Put the halwa on a baking sheet.
- Let it cool.
- Cut and serve
2013-07-30 17:04:53
Waxa loo baahanyahay
- 4 koob Biyo
- 2 koob/1lb sonkorta cad
- 2 koob/1lb sonkorta buniga ah
- 1 koob daqiiqda la looyaqaano (cornstarch)
- 1 koob saliid
- 1 malqaacad yar hayl dhagoole
- 2 malqaacadood hayl
- sacfraan ama kalar, cas iyo huruud.
Habka loo samaynaayo
- Sonkorta iyo biyahay isku kar kari dab dhex dhexaad ah.
- Madiibad yar kuwalaaq daqiiqda (cornstarch) iyo biyo koob badhkii.
- Kudulshub biyaha kar karaaya.
- Walaaq oo ka naaqus dabka ilaa 30 mirir.
- Saliida kolba inyar kudulshub si ay u shaaxidiso.
- Walaaq oo kar kari ilaa 15 daqiiqadood oo xawaashka ku shub oo ku walaaq.
Sideed ku ogaan kartaa marka lagaqaadayo dabka
- Waxaad malqaacad ku soo goysaa in yar oo xalwada qabooji ama yara dhig hadiikale
- biyo qabow ku dhexrid. Markaa gacanta ku eeg in ay jilicsantahay ama adagtahay.
- Dadka qaar jilayca ayay ka helaan qaarna in ay yara shaaxido oo ay adkaato.
- Inta badan dadka waxa soo jiita kalarka intaanad dhadhamin xalwada.
- Hadaba waxaad ku dari kartaa shaaha caleenta in ta ay biyuhu kar karayaan,
- takale hadii aad isku darto casaan iyo huruud labadan kalar ayaa isku fiican marka
- xalwada lagu daro.
- Disdida aan wax ku dhagina waa muhiim maadaaama aynay kaa ga dhagaynin disdida, saliid badana u baahanmaysid.
I absolutely LOVE your recipes, mashallah.
Thank you for posting them, and please keep it coming, absolutely delicious dishes!!
I have never been a big fan of halwad, but during ramadan I have always purchased it, since it’s Somali tradition to serve halwad, specially during Eid. This year, I’m sooo making it!! Thanks to You! I better start practing asap, mahadsanid.
PS: I was curious if you were to add nuts, what sorta nuts would you, recommend? and when would you add that?
Hi Smiley, I am glad you liked the halwad recipe.
It is my favorite too I always make sure when I am making it to have someone else helping me, as it can take long time.
You can use peanuts after you add the cardamom and the nutmeg and mix until incorporated.
Let me know how it goes, Insha Allah.
Masha’Allah sis…it looks great.
Assalaamu Alaikum! It’s Smiley again.
I just wanted to share with You, that I tried making this delicious recipe of yours.
All my family and friends enjoyed this. It was absolutely tasty. Next time I will eat, before making it again, that way, I won’t get greedy and double the recipe. LoL.
Once again, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing these recipes with everyone. May God Bless You, and Yours.
Wa alaikumu Salaam,
I am so happy that it worked for you sis, on the first time, well done.
You must be a good cook.
Jazakalahu Khair
Thank you so much for this recipe. I grew up in East Africa, but have always longed for the taste of Halwa which we only purchased whilst on holiday on the African coast. I have been searching the net for even the slightest resemblance to this childhood delicacy, and have finally found it.
I will think of you when I try making it.
honestly i absolutely hate helwa because my mom used to make it all the time at my house and it would take upto four hours to fully cook but it really is worth it if u like helwa
salama alaykum
Asalamu aleykum …
i liked this recipes ,halwa goes with buskut , thank you for sharing with us, i also want to ask you , if you dont mind, to post somali biscuit( buslut) .
thanks again ,,,, asalamu aleykum.
salaam calekum wrwb my sister i like to know how to make icun someone say to me that is sokor bur saliid mixed can u help me pls
man do i love this sweet or wat i cant even get enough of it i love somali halwa and im not even somalian to beging with lol
I’m going to try making Halwa for the first time, can I ask what sort of oil should I use?
Thank you for posting the ingredients.
Sunflower oil or Canola oil should be fine. good luck with it
wow mashALLAH looks so tasty! 🙂
Ramadan Mubarak!
I am sooo happy I found your Blog, thankyou for these delicious recipes!
Assalamu Aleikum and eid mubarak to all.
I wanted to know how to make the halwo sticky, mine seems to turn out jelly-like however its not sticking together when you pull it.
I left on the heat for bit longer but then it all goes solid.
Finally how do you know Halwo is ready do you time it if so please tell us how long.
Thank you
btw I like my halwo with a cup of milk 🙂
When it starts to form like a big ball and it leaves the sides of the pan then you know it is done. also make sure you have the right ingredients sometimes comes out good and other it doesn’t.
Insha Allah it will work out for you next time.
Just found your site. I live in Djibouti and love these recipes. I have a question about the Halwa – is there a substitution for the brown sugar? I can’t find it anywhere here. Would it also work with just white sugar?
Yes you can use the white sugar it should be fine.
I hope this helps,
I looooove your website. Your recipes are the best. I am not Somali but my husband is. After five years of marriage, I can finally know how to cook certain dishes and can pass the knowledge to my daughter. Jazak Allah kheir. I can’t wait for more recipes. Do you know any goat recipes? Thank you.
Salaam Aisha
It is good to have you here, I am going to be posting more recipes Insha Allah so stay tuned for that, are you looking for goat stews? let me know
JazakAllah Khair
Just want to say its a great pleasure to have come across this website.I feel proud to share with my friends and family about real somali food.Im going to start making some of the dishes this weekend.Well done Guys!
I love this recipe, thanks so much for sharing! 🙂
Thanks, Sumaiyah
Asalamu Alaikum,
Jazakallahu Khairan, I promised the other day my son that I would make Xalwad, and have been busy this Ramadan.I woke up earlt this morning and made xalwad, it looks nice, and I am looking forward tasting, and seeing my sons face later this morning.May Allah grant us all paradise,amin
thank you sis.
Aamin, MaanshAllah! it is good to hear that you tried the recipe and thanks for sharing sis.
JazakAllahu Khair
Salam Aliakum!
Just discovered your site through google, searching for Halwa recipes. Thanks for sharing, I will be making this for Eid. hope it turns out ok as this si my first time attempting to make Halwad.
Welcome Idil, and thanks for trying the recipe.
Salaam Sister I was wondering whether I could use corn flower instead of corn starch.
Asalamu Alaikum sis,
if you are in UK it should be cornflour, it is the white starch finely powdered, if that helps.
Let me know if you find it. Insha Allah
Salams, love your recipes I just wanted to know how long it takes to let it cool and the total duration of the halwad
Please help me with the “cup” story, it equals what exactely…?
Asalamu Alaikum sis,
thanks for your email, the cooking time varies from 1 hour to 2 hours according to heat, ingredients the type of pan used. all these play a role. when finished you can let come to room temperature. you could put it in the freezer to speed up the cooking time.
I hope this helps,
let me know how you get on insha Allah
I use these standard measuring cups and they make my life a lot easier, one cup equals to 8 0z, I should have soon a conversion diagram, Insha Allah since the readers are coming all over the world.
mashaAllah i just discover you website i was looking for halwa recipe and there it is found it jazaakaAllahu khayran and i am so proud of you guys.atleast there is somalian website.i am going to try now and i will let u knw how it will come out inshaAllah.
salaam its me again i need to knw please it is laazim to put nutmeg?
on the halwa
Welcome, thanks for visiting and leaving a comment, I do appreciated.
with regards to nutmeg, the best thing to do is to go to your local Masjid and ask the Imam, he will be able to explain it to your more.
Nutmeg is haram due to its intoxicating properties and when used in large quantities it will give you hallucinations.
Therefor it is band in Saudi Arabia, jet it is sold as a seasoning for food, and many product that contain nutmeg are also sold.
The best substitute will be cloves if you add ground cloves and cardamom will work best.
I hope this answers your question,
i love you recipes
Thanks sis
Salami alakum sister… I was just wondering how to crust on your halwa is formed… Because I love halwa when it cools down and the crust is formed…. The halwa you have in the picture looks delicious… I am ready to try this recipe but pls tell how the delicious crust is formed around the halwa … Thank you
Asalamu Alaikum
Thank you for your comments, it is good to have you here, regarding halwa and how crust is formed, usually it happens when
you have it for few days as it gets old the crunch will form on top.
Hello, is this a hard desert like candy or is it like jelly?
[…] of very diverse dishes that all look extremely pleasing. We may, indeed, revisit Somalia, as the halwa and cambuulo (different site) look like similarly easy and hearty […]
It is like jelly.
asalamu alykum walale.which one is best to use-yellow food color or red color. please let me now.I sametimes use red and it came out too dark
Asalamu Calaykum,
Ramadan Kariim
What I usually do is mix red and yellow and sometimes if I want a bit darker I add tea ( one tea bag) 🙂
Salaams! Can you please give some tips on ow to avoid the crunchy crust that forms as the halwa ages? We love the soft jelly ness of the halwa and always pick the crunch off but we’ve gotten to 90% crunch and 10% jelly now… Lol! Please help for next time 🙂 thanks!
Salaam Farrah,
Many thanks for your comment.
keep it in an airtight container at all times, Insha Allah.
Let me know how it goes.
Asc .. I am a south african lady that will soon be getting married to a somalian guy.. Thanks so much for these recipes .. I’m sooo excited to start trying them out:) so that I will be a professional somali cook one of these days, will let u know how the first dish went:)
Keep up the good work
hadaa somali tahiin waxaa ladaho shegaa
1. xalwa
2. xalaawad
3. xalwad
what type of pot do you have to use?one time I made xalwa and it didn’t release the oil.thx
Zainaq, the best pot for the Halwa is a nonstick pan, that works for the Halwa the best.
Qofba midbuu u yaqaanaa adigu magacee ayaad isticmaashaa.
Masha Allah. walal dadbadan bad u faaiidaysay ilaahay ajar hakaasiiyo.
aniga Xalwada 5 marban sameeyay bal in aan ka salgaaro walina iima hagaagin. qiyasta ay kakoobantahay ingediantiga say tahay baan u sameeyay oo waxna kumadarin waxna kama jareen. way fiicnaan lahaayd hadan pic keeda kuusoodiri lahaa.
asalamy calaykum,
walaal Amina aad baan kuu soo dhawaynayaa, waad mahadsantahay waan ka xumahay in ay kuu hagaagi wayday xalwadii aad samaysay.
halkan kusoo dir sawirka InshaAllah.
[…] clinical case manager, shared a recipe with the staff – here it is, originally from We’d love to see your photos, if you make […]
As salaam aleykum sister, I see you said nutmeg is added but I don’t see it in the recipe? And is the Indian ghee OK to use. Jazak Allah khrn 😉
Jazakulah kairan for the halwa recipe. I attempted to make it today and it came out okay for my first time in making halwa. I got burnt many time from the bubbling of the sugar and water lol but at the end of the day every cut or burn has a story. Many thanks for the recipe
Bakri Sayid
Thanks for trying the halwa recipe,
sorry about the burns, please wear gloves next time, my mom used to wrap towel around her hands :).
Walaaley Waan kuu Mahad celinaayaa mar kalena mahadsanid Afsoomaaliga awgiis aad dadka ugu faa iidaysay taasoo kaa Muuqata daacadnimada Afkaaga Hooyo oo aad waxnoogu sheektay ilaah hakula jiro adiga iyo intaad jeceshahayba waa markale iyo Anigoo kuleh guulayso Dr.Kimiko Norwey
Dr. Kimiko
Aad ayaad u mahadsantahay walaal
[…] If you’d like to go one step further and give halwa a try yourself, here’s a recipe courtesy of the blog My Somali Food. […]
[…] If you’d like to go one step further and give halwa a try yourself, here’s a recipe courtesy of the blog My Somali Food. […]
This dish is not limited to somalia but is also made in other Arab countries such as Oman and yemen.
How long does every step take and how many people does this recipe serve?
That is right Saleh, thanks for mentioning that.
Mysomalifood,how long can halwa stay after you buy it before going bad
[…] With brown sugar, gloves, cardamom, and saffron powder, you can recreate this dessert from My Somali Food. […]