This sweet fried bread is a very popular snack in East Africa, they are sold on the streets you will find them every where. This version is made with flour, oil, milk and eggs, cardamom powder and with the help of the baking powder they are on your table in no time. It is a light snack good with cup of tea.

Sweet Fried Bread
2013-07-16 17:42:26
- 2 cups all-purpose flour
- 1/4 cup sugar
- 2 tablespoon oil
- 1 teaspoon cardamom powder
- 2 teaspoon baking powder
- 1/2 cup lukewarm milk
- 1 egg, beaten
- Oil for frying
- In a bowl combine all the ingredient.
- Kneed the dough lightly don't over work it.
- Leave it to rest for 30 min.
- Roll the though on a lightly floured surface.
- Cut in to desired shapes.
- Deep fry until golden brown on both sides.
- Drain on a paper towel and serve.
keep this up! you are awesome. i’m trying to teach my self how to cook somali food. learning from my mom is hard because she doesn’t use measurements. just a pinch of this, a dash of that, etc.
Thank you!!
asc walaalo waad ku mahad santahay sida quruxda badan eed u soo qurxisay si loo kariyo cuntada soomalida. waxaan rajaynayaa in hablo iyo inamo badan oo soomali ahi kaa baran doonaan sidan fiican ee fudud eed u soo bandhigtay cuntada soomalida.
I am Puerto Rican. I’ve never had somalian food but i love eating other culture’s food. I’ll be making this sweet bread today.
By the way, i once took care of a somalian little girl and her mother brought her lunch. It was basmati rice but inside the rice there was cummin seeds. That rice smelled so aromatic. Does anyone happen to have a recipe?
Hi Ida,
Thanks for stopping by, I will be posting that Somali rice soon.
hey sis i was wondering if ure were going to post nafaqo…. the stuffed potato with the egg reipe
Salaam Ali,
There is a good recipe with a video you can find it at Somali Recipes
the link is here:
o okay i just watched the video it was great but i have another question when u make ano barrawe isnt it only milk and sugar because my grandma used to make it for a store in somalia and she said its only milk and sugar but on ure recipe it says u must add butter and cardamon isnt the cardamon optional?????
salama alaikum sister
salamalikum… I make these quite often and my Kids LOVE them!!! They have me makin them 4 the sckool gala`s etc n seems all the kids love them…
Jazakallah khaire for sharing…
I like to add Black Seed to mine to make them nutritious as well as yummy.
I cannot thank you enough for this recipe, this is one of my favorite snacks and I’ve been searching all over for the recipe.
I have never eaten Somali Food before but tried it and love it. I hope to learn more about the culture and the cuisine
Hey i’m a somalian and my mom used to owen a resturante and she makes all kinds of somali foods, she thought me how to cook them and i can cook any somali food i stoped by this web site because i have project do on 5/1/11
and i choose to do my project on somalia my teacher asked me for a recipe for somali foods and was looking for an easy recipe to give to him and i found it THANK YOU SOO MUCH!(:
you are very welcome sis, thanks for sharing your story if you have the chance let us what you made and how it turned out, thanks
Salam sis,
I was looking for Quraac…. Do you have that reciepe…. You know I’m not good at making these Somali traditional Ramadan food, but with your help, I’ll become a pro in no time…. Help!!! from your loved one in London
BTW: I’m beating myself now for not taking the opportunity to learn from you first hand that time you came down…. ;o( LOL
Thanks in advance
Ramadan Kariim,
I am here for you Samira anytime and I am only one click away. lol
When make quraac this is my favorite recipe it easy and tasty and just enough sugar.
have a look at khamiir it is more less sugary version and you can sprinkle with powdered sugar.
take care
walaal aad ayaan ugu faraxsanahay sida fudud eed dhalin yarteena ugu sharaxda cunta karinta wanad ku mahadsan tahay
Kadijo, Adigaa mudan walaal
Thank you sis i made your meat suqar and my kids love it. keep up the good work
[…] Pastii – basically fried sweet dough ball. I know it’s something more than that, but holy cow, good, good eats. Served with spiced tea in which you would dunk the fried sweet dough ball. I pretty much ate that with abandonment. […]
thanks u
Love it! Thank u…
heck out my blog to i have sweet fried bread recipe which u will love
Ramadan Karim sis!
I love your website, easily described and easy to follow recipe. I really enjoy myself preparing Somali dishes during Ramdan and the rest of the year! I have recommended this website to many Somali friends:)
Keep up your wonderful work!
Big love from Sweden
Ramadan Karim sis
Thanks for your comment I am happy that you like the recipes and pass my greetings to your friends in Sweden.
Assalaamu Alaikum Sis,
I just wanted to say thank you for your wonderful website with actual traditional recipes. I live in a community that is largely Somalian and the sisters are wonderful cooks walhamdulillah. I have had the pleasure of eating some of the dishes that I have seen on your site. Smile, now it’s my turn to increase upon my knowledge in cooking and try some of these recipes. Thank you again.
Your sister in Islam
Wa Alaikum Salaam sis,
Welcome it is good to have you here, and I hope you will enjoy the recipes and if you need anything let me know.
Hi my name is zeenat , I am pakistani and love pakistani food so much but a few weeks ago I tried somalian food . I loved it so much it was really tasty. Yummy
Hi Zeenat
I am glad you are enjoying the recipes, thanks for sharing
[…] Shaah Spiced Tea Recipe: Fried Sweet Breads Recipe: […]
you are a hero… thank you!
Salaam admin I wanted to ask you there a recipe it’s like sambuusa but it’s chicken and cheese pastry it’s spicy too would you be able to give it to me thank you
Hi i am a somali boy who is 14 yrs old and know how to cook sambousa and some other food but want to learn how to cook other food for ramadan so i was wondering how much this makes.
You can get the best
I am so happy you shared your story with us, so glad you are can cook sambousa I think if you mastered that everything else should be a breeze. This recipe depends on how small or big you cut your shapes. Thanks you Abdullahi.
thank u so much i tried it and my family enjoyed it thanks it was great
I actually added chocolate in the form of hot chocolate and vanilla instead of the cardamon. Tasted absolutely amazing.
That sounds delicious! Thanks for letting me know appreciated!